lundi 30 novembre 2015

Seven Segment LED Displays ( Afficheur 7 seg )

Seven Segment LED Displays (SSD) or Seven Segment indicator is an electronic display device for decimal numerals. This type of devices are mostly used in digital clocks, basic calculator , counter ...

Seven-segment displays may use a liquid crystal display (LCD), a light-emitting diode (LED) for each segment, or other light-generating .SSD are a common method of displaying data. With 8 datapins, they are also complicated to wire up, as each LED needs a Arduino pin and a resistor. With a library, we can simplify the wiring, and the data display.

How does it work ?

It's very simple and this table show you how simple it is :

Now we move on to work,the first thing to do is to download Seven Segment LED Display package for Arduino that i created then paste it into the folder of example for Arduino. The video at the end of this article resume all.

Any way if any thing goes wrong this is the source code but you need to downloaded so you can add the library SevenSegment.h

For the next step open proteus and try to design this circuit. for those who are lazy ;) download the circuit from download button below.

This how does it go with the simulation after adding the .hex file to the Arduino model:

This is the video that resume all most every thing:

That's all for today , to the next lesson , take care everyone :*

samedi 28 novembre 2015

Basic knowledge

Our first lesson is very simple and you can find it any where even in the example of Arduino so we start by turning on and off a LED using Arduino software and Proteus.

PS: If you don't have Arduino package for Proteus(ISIS) you can download it from the link at the end of from download section.

Let start
Just open Arduino ==> fichier ==> example ==> basics ==> blink
and read carefully the comment of each function .

Now after uploading this sketch or this code the Led will turn on for 1 second than turn off for one second n times.

We move now to proteus simulation..this software is very important because it contain every single electronic component and even if it doesn't exist you can easily download the missing package and add it to porteus, the method to add is very easy also you just download the package then copy the files exist there and paste it here : C:\Program Files (x86)\Labcenter Electronics\Proteus 7 Professional\MODELS
You can also use eagle for the simulation this software is very good.

After adding Arduino package you can open porteus 
Select component mode then choose pick up from library and then choose the devices you need.For us we need arduino uno, resistor and Led. This figure resume all just follow the red rectangle :

Then try to assemble this components like this:

Then get back to the example that we make and copy the link that end with extension .hex  (the orange rectangle  in figure 1 ). then double click on arduino board in porteus and then paste this link in program file.

Finally you just run the simulation and you'll get this result :

PS: if the Led doesn't turn on just try to change resistor property and make it for example 10 Ohm.
you can also add a button to control the Led :

and this is how it look like after the simulation :

Thank for reading this article.

Introduction to Arduino

Hello every one today we will start our blog by introducing the Arduino board after that we will show you how to be an excellent programmer. we will start from the simplest project to the most difficult one. we will also use other software which can be used with Arduino such as Visual Basic,Android,LabView...

So as we all know Arduino is divided into to part: a software and a hardware .

For this microcontroller we found a various types such as Arduino Uno, Mega,Leonardo... every single one have it's characteristic but they have also too many thing in common  this picture that i made resume this common part :

Now after seeing the hardware we move on to the most important thing for me witch is the software, Arduino offer a free software witch you can download it from the official  site or from this blog,
Arduino also is an open source and that mean you can found any source code for free you just search for it or you could found it in our blog later on and this is our project.

Now all that we need to relate the Software and the Hardware is a cable type A/B Standard USB 2.0 cable. Use it to connect Arduino Uno, Arduino Mega 2560, or any board with the USB female A port of your computer.

This is all what we need for now to continue our programming projects as i already said we will start from the simplest project to complex one.The next article will be about how to control a LED.